Warren County has a welcoming local government, working to promote the climate, financially prudent, and offers low taxes. We are Pro-Business and permitting moves quickly through required offices.
Central County Government-County Commissioners/Council/Auditor
125 N. Monroe St. Williamsport, IN 47993
Tel: 765-762-3275
Email: auditor@warrencounty.in.gov
Treasurer 765-762-3562 treasurer@warrencounty.in.gov
2014 Property Tax and Tax Sale Information/e-services including credit card payment
Assessor 765-764-4528 assessor@warrencounty.in.gov
Clerk 765-762-3510 clerk@warrencounty.in.gov
Recorder 765-762-3174 recorder@warrencounty.in.gov
Sheriff 765-764-4367 – Dial 911 in the event of an emergency
Area Plan 765-762-6311, cell: 765-376-8777 jkuiper@warrencounty.in.gov, GIS Maps
County Highway Department 765-762-6181 kathy@warrencounty.in.gov
ADA/Accessibility Coordinator 765-764-5880